Tuesday, January 5, 2010

-9 Degrees in Minnesota

That's without the wind chill. With the wind chill it feels like 28 degrees below 0. It's hard enough to send my husband out when it's even colder and earlier, but sending Anna and Michael to the bus stop when it's this cold is hard. They leave at different times and I can't see them from our house. At least it's not far, and they're dressed very well for cold. Everyone wears snowpants and all of the appropriate winter gear here. Yesterday Anna had her first indoor recess because it was colder than -7. There's ice coating the inside of our windows and Sarah wears multiple layers of pajamas to bed, but we're quite snug in our house. Driving is tricky because it's icy and Minnesota doesn't spend a lot of money on salt. I know this cold will get tiresome, but so far we're pretty cheerful. Minnesota is beautiful all covered with ice and snow, and as long as you're not out for too long, the cold is invigorating. I don't think that's the word Travis would have used late last night when he schlepped four 50 pound bags of salt for the water softener from the (detached) garage into the house. And my fifty pound bag of bread flour. I guess people weren't kidding when they warned us about Minnesota winters!


Jennifer Cox said...

At least you get good snow to go along with the deep freeze. I hate when it is so cold like now, but hardly any white. It just doesn't seem fair. Stay warm and drink lots of hot chocolate...yummy and cozy!!!

Heathelyn said...

Wow. I thought it was cold here. I never thought I'd be grateful for Indiana winters, but they sound much milder than Minnesota winters.

Christa said...

Wow! Brrrr! Benjamin has indoor recess every time it snow although it's never been cold enough to stick yet. It's 48 degrees today. I'm going to miss New Mexico winters! Stay warm!

Angela Willis said...

I want Sam's life. 47 is cold there.

Claudia said...

Couldn't you have reported minus 10 degrees or minus 8 degrees? I have to have the number nine associated with something so miserable. Mx