Monday, December 19, 2011

Lucy's Here!

Lucy Margaret was born on Dec 13, two weeks early, and one week before my scheduled induction. I went into labor on my own, which was a new experience after three inductions. I had contractions during the night, but didn't tell Travis because I wanted him to sleep. They started getting closer together around six a.m. and by eight I was eager to get to the hospital. I had time to wash and dry my hair, call my mom to come up from Orem, and pack a bag. We decided to let Anna stay with Michael and Sarah (meaning stay home from school) until my mom could get there. She never went:), and Michael was already home with strep. I'm grateful for my mom's help that day, and Dad Dastrup's help for the next two. I came home to find he had done all of the ironing!

My labor was picture perfect. My water had broken, and I didn't even know it. Travis dropped me off at the hospital and quickly saw a few post-op patients. He was back by ten a.m. when I was moved from triage and checked-in. I had an epidural within twenty minutes--my best ever--and Lucy was born at 3 p.m. She could have come an hour and a half earlier, but we were waiting for my doctor, who was in surgery in the same hospital. I pushed twice--a tie with Anna. We were surprised when she was only 5 pounds, 4 ounces! Our smallest baby by half a pound. She has lots of dark hair like her sisters at birth, but we expect it will all fall out and leave us with another blonde-haired, green-eyed girl.

I fell in love with this little girl the moment I saw her. I enjoy every second I hold her and nurse her and take care of her--even in the long night-time hours when I wish she would sleep. Her siblings have greeted her with tenderness and not a hint of jealousy. We have always been so lucky in that way. They weren't able to visit the hospital because of a Pertussis outbreak--thank you all you crazy Utahns who don't vaccinate your kids! For the first time in her life, Anna was seriously considering breaking some rules to get into the hospital. Michael asked me first thing, "Mom, how are you feeling? Are you all better?" How many eight year-old boys are so aware of their mom's health. Sarah has been bringing Lucy toys and accessories since she got home. She doesn't quite believe me that she can't play with toys yet. I'll find a little car or another toy tucked inside Lucy's basket while she sleeps.

I give birth, and it's like being born again, physically. I feel great! No more nausea, no more reflux and volcanic heartburn, no more pstyalism, no more emptying my bladder every eight minutes. I am so grateful to have this sweet little baby here--safe and sound--and to feel whole again myself so that I can take care of her and the rest of my family. I think they're ready to have their mom back, and Travis is very happy to see me smile again--without effort.


Heathelyn said...

She is SOOOO beautiful!! I love all that hair. And I'm so glad you feel better. I know how hard pregnancy is for you.

When I was 6 days into my 8 days of being past-due with Enessa, I received a blessing in which I was told that the earth itself was rejoicing for the impending birth of my daughter because it was made to house God's children. I don't know how to explain it right, but it was beautiful to me to God's creations rejoice when one of His children is born.


Elisa said...

Wow it's so great to see you write like you love this world again!! Yeah!! Please eat something delicious for me today because nothing sounds good at all!

I LOVE that bottom picture of her holding onto her binky, so so cute. :)

Charlotte said...

She's beautiful Emily! Congratulations to you and your family! I'm glad you feel healthy again. :)

Merry Christmas!

Emily said...

Yay! I've been thinking about you so much the last few weeks--I'm so glad she came early and that everything went well! Congrats to you all and Merry Christmas! xx

Claudia said...

I am grateful for this post. Thank you Emily. It feels like my only link to little Lucy. Even though I got home at 1:40 am yesterday, until we get Max's awful facial cellutitis completely resolved, we'll be sure to keep our distance. We love you all and are so hungry to hold this little girl. So I look at these photos and love her even though we haven't met.

elisha said...

Emily, congratulations. I'm so glad you are back to "normal" yourself as far as normal can be :) We're excited to meet this little one. Hopefully sooner than later :) Happy New Year. Oh and Scott thinks you had Lucy on one of the best days of the year ;)

David and Mary Walton said...

So fun to see your darling Baby Lucy. So happy for you she is finally here and life can go on in a happier state. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

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