Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ice Skating at Lake of the Isles

I can't believe we got two pictures with everyone standing! Michael spent a lot more time sprawled on the ice than he did standing, but he had a great attitude. Anna managed to make it around the "rink" a few times, and was very happy about it. Emily hadn't skated in ten years, and was never any good, but it was good to remember that she can skate forward. We couldn't compete with the 3 and 4 year-olds decked-out in full hockey attire and looking like they were born on skates, but we had a great time. Travis nobly held Sarah while the rest of us skated. This is one of many free outdoor rinks in Minnesota. This one is part of a frozen lake. We have two ice skating rinks and two hockey rinks (roughly made, but I think they deserve to be called rinks) in our own neighborhood! We bought some skates for $5 off of Craigs List for Anna, but Michael and Emily used skates that are left in the warming house for people to borrow. Our wonderful afternoon was free! We love this place.


Brigham said...


Lizzie said...

That looks great! I'd better come try it out with you one of these days!

Elisa said...

Oh that looks like fun! It was probably more work than fun, but I like to ice skate. straight forward of course..

Jennifer Cox said...

What fun. Glad no broken bones or sprains.

Angiegirl said...

Good for you guys! I took skating lessons when I was six and absolutely loved it. I've been meaning to take Will for his first time. We'll see how long we stay up. :)